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Musculoskeletal Disorders Related To Diabetes May Be Helped With Chiropractic Care

People with diabetes commonly suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. These musculoskeletal conditions may be helped with chiropractic care.
According to a new paper published in the European Journal of Rheumatology, October 2018 patients with diabetes mellitus have an elevated risk for a number of musculoskeletal conditions including: limited joint mobility syndrome, frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

Although chiropractors do not treat diabetes, they commonly treat the musculoskeletal disorders noted above. Most have practitioners would agree that diabetes hinders healing of musculoskeletal injuries. For instance, if a diabetic individual were to fall and sprain their shoulder it would probably take longer for them to heal than a nondiabetic. Likewise, if a person with diabetes was doing a physical job requiring bending at the waist repetitively to pick up objects and strained their lower back the healing time required would be extended.

Since these types of injuries take longer to heal it would be wise for people with diabetes to seek the services of a Doctor of Chiropractic. A chiropractor can meet with the injured patient, perform an examination, obtain x-rays if necessary and provide chiropractic care. Chiropractic care generally consists of gentle, adjustments to spinal and extremity joints. Adjustments are simply movements that a chiropractor performs by hand, instrument or a piece of equipment to realign a patient's spinal column or joints of the extremities.

Chiropractors have extensive training to examine patients to determine if there are abnormalities such as misalignments or improper movement of areas of the spine or extremities that require treatment. When chiropractic care is added to a treatment regime, patients generally find that pain is improved more quickly and patient's overall healing time is significantly reduced. In many cases a chiropractor can also determine if there is an underlying weakness to an area of the body such as the neck or the lower back. This is the case, chiropractors are also trained to give patients exercise they can perform at home to minimize the week area so as to lessen chances a recurrence.

Chiropractic care can absolutely be provided without interfering with medical care that a patient may already be receiving. A patient taking medication for diabetes that has been prescribed by their medical physician will continue with their medicine. There will be no contraindication to receive chiropractic treatment.

Doctors of chiropractic, in conjunction with a patient's medical provider, may be considered for consultation as a safe, non-pharmaceutical, nonsurgical, cost-effective method to treat these extremely common, painful and disabling musculoskeletal disorders.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10132572